Birding • Education • Citizen Science • Conservation Advocacy • Habitat Preservation


Weekend and Monthly Field Trips led by Experienced Birders


K- 12 Classroom Programs, Monthly Speakers, Community Events

Citizen Science

Volunteers Gathering Data to Better Understand Bird Populations

Conservation Advocacy

Research and Lobbying to Protect Critical Bird Habitat

Habitat Preservation

Opportunities to Restore Habitat for Birds and Wildlife


Birding • Education • Citizen Science • Conservation Advocacy • Habitat Preservation


Weekend and Monthly Field Trips led by Experienced Birders


K-12 Classroom Programs • Monthly Speakers • Community Events

Citizen Science

Volunteers Gathering Data to Better Understand Bird Population

Conservation Advocacy

Research and Lobbying to Protect Critical Habitat

Habitat Preservation

Opportunities to Restore Habitat for Birds and Wildlife

Connecting People with Birds

Our mission is to share the fun of birding, promote conservation and scientific understanding of wild birds and their habitats, and offer engaging, science-based education emphasizing the communities of Napa and Solano counties.
Learn more about us

Get Involved

Napa-Solano Birds is predominantly a volunteer organization. To make our programs successful we need membership involvement in all of our activities. Donating even a few hours of time can help a lot. There are all sorts of fun ways to get involved – from helping out with a classroom visit, bird walk or special event, to monitoring your own area for breeding birds.

Bird Family Galleries

Napa Solano Birds




Welcome to Napa Solano Audubon Society!

Bird of the Week – Tufted Duck
Found at Milton Road Pond 8 by Larry Kent on February 19th
Select to learn more about this bird 


NSAS Spring 2025 College Scholarship Awards Program:

This Spring, NSAS will continue providing a one year, $2,000 Scholarship for two High School Seniors from Napa & Solano Counties who will be enrolled in the Fall of 2025 at a Community or 4-year College pursuing a course of study in ornithology, wildlife, conservation, environmental studies or related fields. If you know of any seniors living in either Napa or Solano counties who are continuing their education in one of these fields of study please let them know they can apply for one of our scholarships. To be considered, applications must be submitted by April 30, 2024. Click here for more information and eligibility requirements.

Upcoming Field Trips – All Members, Family & Friends of NSAS are Welcome to Join!

Field Trip Announcements: Beware our Field Trip eBlasts may end up in your Spam Folder!

Weekly Field Trips to Napa & Solano County Hotspots with Andrew Ford

NSAS offers Weekly Bird Walks on Saturday mornings with Andrew Ford to birding hotspots in Napa or Solano County, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending around noon. Come join in all the fun and have a great morning learning about birds. To look at some of our favorite weekly walk outings see Saturday Walks! A typical trip attracts approximately 20 birders. Through the seasons we try to catch the local “spectacles” of birding: spring shorebirds at American Canyon, winter raptors and Mountain Plovers in the Solano prairie, or fall warblers at Lagoon Valley. Locations are subject to change due to the changing of bird population and influx of migrants.

Beginner Field Trips to American Canyon Wetlands with Karina Garcia, Carol Boykin and Tom Slyker

So, if you are dipping a toe into birding, or dusting off a pair of binoculars for the first time in a while and you want some company as you learn about birding, we’d be delighted to have you join us for our Beginners Bird Walks.  We hold Beginner’s Walks at  the American Canyon Wetlands Edge Park on two Sundays each month beginning at 9:00 a.m.  No reservations are necessary, just plan to show up and enjoy being outdoors for a little while. Sign up for Field Trip Notices by clicking on the Activity Sign-up Button at the top of our Home Page or Check our Calendar for the next Beginner’s Bird Walk. These walks are open to birders of all levels and ages. It’s free, it’s fun, and loaner binoculars are on hand if you need them.  Napa Solano Audubon membership is not required.  Karina Garcia, Carol Boykin, and Tom Slyker lead these walks.  They are citizen science volunteers and participate in the Napa Solano Audubon’s CA Birdseasons project at this wetlands park location.  NSAS has been monitoring birds at this site every Monday morning since 2016.  This monitoring has provided the participants with a wealth of knowledge about the birds you might see at this location. They have been observing numerous species of waterfowl, a variety of shorebirds including American Avocets and Black Necked Stilts, as well as a variety of raptors, while looking and occasionally spotting the secretive Sora and Virginia Rails.

March Field Trip to Pinnacles National Park with Bruce Thomsen & Rusty Scalf
Monday/Tuesday, March 24th & 25th, 2025

Our next field trip will be to Pinnacles National Park, home to our California Condor. This two-day trip will start on Monday visiting Pinnacles National Park looking for California Condors and spring migrants. We will visit several areas in the park looking for oak woodland species: red-shouldered hawk, cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks, white-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, oak titmouse, California quail, acorn woodpeckers, and northern flickers. Visiting the canyon areas there is a possibility of a canyon wren, California thrasher, greater roadrunner, lark sparrow, sage sparrow, rufous-crowned sparrow, spotted towhee and a variety of early migrants. Flying high in the sky we can observe California Condors along with golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, and the possibility of several falcons.

Registration Information:
To sign up for this Field Trip, click on the Registration link, complete the registration Form and click the Submit Button. We encourage you to sign-up early as this trip is popular and bound to fill up quickly. This field trip has a limit of 15 NSAS Members. The first 15 members to register will be active participants in this outing and additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list. 

Click Here to Registration:  

April Field Trip to East Side Berryessa with Larry Kent & Robin Leong
Saturday, April 5, 2025

Date: Saturday April 5, 2025 
Time: 8:30 AM to 3:30 or longer 
Meet: Meet at Eticuera Creek Day Use Area, 8:30 am.
Robin Leong and Larry Kent

Carpool: Meet 7:15 at River Park shopping center.
What to bring: Binoculars, spotting scope, water, lunch, sturdy shoes, layered clothing.

This is your chance to bird east side of Lake Berryessa with the experts at a beautiful time of year. Highlights might be Lewis Woodpecker, Osprey on nest, Bald Eagle on nest, White tailed Kite, Yellow-billed Magpie. 

Registration Information:  To sign up for this Field Trip, click on the Registration link below, complete the Registration Form and click the Submit Button. We encourage you to sign-up early as this trip is popular and bound to fill up quickly. This field trip has a limit of 15 NSAS Members. The first 15 members to register will be active participants in this outing and additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list. 

Registration Link:  


NSAS Presents: Our Native American’s Reverent Relationship with Birds – with Charlie Toledo
March 13th at 7:00 p.m. at the Napa Valley Lutheran Church

About the Program: Birds played a significant role in Native American Cultures. Ms. Charlie Toledo will share her knowledge of birds and the role they played in CA native tribes. Birds were used by every Native American culture for food, medicine, art and ceremony. She will explore the reverent relationship that Native Americans had with these incredible animals.

About the Presenter: Charlie Toledo is of Towa descendent, native to New Mexico. She is the Executive Director of the Suscol Intertribal Council, a community-based organization, since 1992 located in Napa, California. She has extensive experience as public speaker, presenter, and community organizer in regional, statewide, national and international forums. Since 1982 she has worked in alternative healthcare fields, as well as background in mediation for individuals, families, and organizations. She has been an organic gardener since 1978. She has lifelong commitment to social justice and international work on Human Rights and Environmental social justice issues. 


Searching for Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help support our beginning bird walks that take place in our local parks. Please consider helping out with this rewarding activity. We are also looking for supporters to assist us with Education Programs in our Schools, Tabling for Community Events such as Earth Day and in a number of Citizen Science activities from Monitoring Bluebird Boxes to Christmas Bird Counts. If you are interested in serving in any of these areas in any capacity, please click on the volunteer opportunities link below or contact Mark Stephenson at  for more details.