About the Trip: Our next field trip will be to Pinnacles National Park, home to our California Condor. This two-day trip will start on Monday visiting Pinnacles National Park looking for California Condors and spring migrants. We will visit several areas in the park looking for oak woodland species: red-shouldered hawk, cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks, white-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, oak titmouse, California quail, acorn woodpeckers, and northern flickers. Visiting the canyon areas there is a possibility of a canyon wren, California thrasher, greater roadrunner, lark sparrow, sage sparrow, rufous-crowned sparrow, spotted towhee and a variety of early migrants. Flying high in the sky we can observe California Condors along with golden eagles, red-tailed hawks, and the possibility of several falcons.
Registration Information: A Registration Form will be sent out for this trip this Saturday, March 1st at 9:00 a.m. for all members subscribed to the Field Trip eBlast List. Be sure to check your Spam Folder if you don’t receive one. Sign-up as soon as you receive the Registration Form as this trip is popular and bound to fill up quickly. This field trip has a limit of 15 NSAS Members. The first 15 members to register will be active participants in this outing and additional registrations will be placed on a waiting list.