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NSAS June Field Trip to Yuba Pass and the Sierra Valley with Mark Stephenson and Bruce Thomsen

June 5 - June 8


We will take 4 days to explore this bountiful region visiting some of the best locations it has to offer. The Yuba Pass encompasses High Sierra habitats including boggy meadows, willow and alder thickets, aspens groves and coniferous forests. Within the mountain ecosystem we hope to observe Red Crossbill, Pine Siskin, Pine and Evening Grosbeaks, Clark’s Nutcracker, Sooty Grouse, Mountain Quail, Red-breasted and Williamson’s Sapsuckers, Black-backed Woodpeckers, Townsend’s Solitaire and Hermit Thrushes, Hammond’s and Dusky Flycatchers, Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches, Ruby and Golden-crowned Kinglets, as well as a variety of warblers and sparrows. Over the summit, the Sierra Valley consists of vast areas of sagebrush and grassland along with extensive wet meadows and marshland with the heart of the valley being fed by perennial springs and tributaries of the Feather River. This rich ecosystem is home to Sage Thrasher, Horned Lark, Savannah and Vesper Sparrows, along with Swainson’s and Red-tailed Hawks, Peregrine and Prairie Falcons, Golden and Bald Eagles that frequently soar overhead. The marshlands are home to a number of waterfowl, Sandhill Cranes, Black- crowned Night-Heron, American Bittern, Sora and Virginia Rails, American Avocet, Willet, Wilson’s Snipe, Marsh Wren, Savannah and Vesper Sparrows, Yellow- headed Blackbirds as well as Cliff and Barn Swallows. Stay tuned for our Field Trip eBlasts for more detailed information.


June 5
June 8


Yuba Pass and Sierra Valley Field Trip
Forest Rte 12
Calpine, CA 96124 United States
+ Google Map