Lake Dalwigk Park

Lake Dalwigk Park is a 65 acre lake, wetland and recreational park located South of the Curtola Parkway and North of the corner of Lemon and 5th Streets in Vallejo, CA. The park includes a walking trail that circumnavigates the lake and wetlands portion of the park.
Common Residents and Breeding Birds:
Canada Goose, Mallard, Gadwall, Cinnamon Teals and American Coot and Pied-billed Grebes, as well as Killdeers and Black-necked Stilts are found on the lake and in the wetlands. Anna’s Hummingbird, California Quail, Nuttall’s and Downy Woodpeckers, Great Blue Heron, Great and Snowy Egrets, Bewick’s and Marsh Wrens, Cliff and Tree Swallows, Black Phoebe, Common Yellowthroats, Song and Savannah Sparrows, California and Spotted Towhees, Orange-Crowned Warblers, Bullock’s Oriole and Brewer’s and Redwinged Blackbirds nest in the cattails and are commonly found along the wetland edges of the park.
Migrants: Fall Migration brings a variety of ducks and shorebirds to the lake and wetlands including Green-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Ring-necked, and Ruddy Ducks. Long-billed Dowitchers, Greater and occasional Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers and Semipalmated Plovers join the Killdeer feeding on the mudflats. Lincoln’s and Fox join White-crowned and Golden Crowned Sparrows on the lawns and brushy edges of the wetlands. During migration you may be able to spot a Say’s Phoebe feeding on the slopes, and Yellow and Yellow-rumped join Orange-crowned Warblers as well as Western Tanagers foraging on their way South. An occasional Osprey may join Red-tailed, Red-shouldered, Northern Harriers and passing Coopers Hawks flying near the marsh.In a few special years a Tropical Kingbird has been found foraging in the small Eucalyptus Grove.