Weekly Bird Walks
NSAS offers Weekly Bird Walks on Saturday mornings to birding hotspots in Napa or Solano County, beginning at 8 a.m. and ending around noon. Come join in all the fun and have a great morning learning about birds. To look at some of our favorite weekly walk outings see Saturday Walks! A typical trip attracts approximately 20 birders. Through the seasons we try to catch the local “spectacles” of birding: spring shorebirds at American Canyon, winter raptors and Mountain Plovers in the Solano prairie, or fall warblers at Lagoon Valley. Locations are subject to change due to the changing of bird population and influx of migrants.
Hey, beginning birders!
We hope to start up our Beginning Bird Walks in October emphasizing basic bird identification at American Canyon Wetlands or Newell Canyon Preserve, and at other locations in Solano County. Look for updates on locations and times in our Field Trip email Announcements.
Most Weekly Bird Walks include a walk of variable length ranging from 1-2 miles. Most trails are in good condition and of moderate length but occasionally there will be elevation changes and more rugged terrain. Please bring a day pack with snacks, water, sunscreen, and field guides along with a good pair of binoculars and sturdy pair of hiking shoes.
** Trips may be canceled due to inclement weather conditions (rain, high temperature, or wind). Updates will only be sent through email, so please join our mailing list!
Go to our Email Sign-up page to request to receive our Field Trip email announcements, which will give you updates about the destination and start time for each walk.

Barred Owl by Mark Stephenson