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NSAS Field Trip to Sacramento National Wildlife Refuges with Wendy Cole & Mark Stephenson – Saturday/Sunday February 22nd & 23rd

February 22 - February 23

Our next field trip will be to a number of our incredible National and State Wildlife Refuges that dot the Sacramento Valley. We will begin at Colusa NWR and then head onto the Sacramento NWR. (Our route may vary based on recent eBird checklists and a pre-trip exploration.) All of the Sanctuaries host a wide variety of Ducks and Geese. We should have excellent views of Cinnamon, Green-winged and Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shovelers, American and Eurasian Wigeon, Northern Pintails, Canvasback, Redhead, Ring-necked and Ruddy Ducks as well as White- fronted, Snow, and Ross’s Geese. Along the way we should be able to locate flocks of Long-billed Curlews, Dunlin, Least and other migrating shorebirds, as well as White-faced Ibis, Sandhill Cranes and Tundra Swans. Raptors will also be on our agenda with Red-tailed, Merlins, Coopers, Sharp-shinned and Bald Eagles expected along with possible Rough-legged Hawks and Short-eared Owls. Other passerines and rarities will also be on our radar.

For those wishing to make this a 2-day event we will stay over in the vicinity of Willows/ Williams and head onto the CA Fish & Wildlife Gray Lodge Sanctuary near Gridley on Sunday. There will be many flooded fields along the way where we hope to view Tundra Swans, Ducks and Geese at close range. More details to follow.

Registration Details will be sent out in an eBlast later this month!


February 22
February 23


Sacramento Valley National Wildlife Refuges
2180 CA-20
Colusa, CA 95932 United States
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