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Weekly Bird Walk to Putah Creek with Andrew Ford – Sunday, September 22nd

September 22, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Join Andrew Ford for his Weekly Bird Walk on Sunday, September 22nd at the Putah Creek Preserve .

Our fall migrators are passing through and some of our winter species are beginning to arrive.The preserve follows the flow of Putah Creek and straddles the border of Solano and Yolo Counties. This area consists of riparian habitat bordering agricultural fields to the north and east. Birds likely to be seen are Lesser Goldfinch, Western Bluebird, Green Heron, Red-Tailed Hawk,  Red-Shouldered Hawk, Yellow Warbler, Wilson’s Warbler, Mallard, Tree Swallow, Belted Kingfisher and a plethora of other passerines. Wood Duck, Orange-Crowned Warbler, Black-Throated Gray Warbler and MacGillivray’s Warbler are possible.  Hopefully American Kestrel will be present. Migrants are making their way to these prime habitat areas. Green-Tailed Towhee, Yellow-Breasted Chat, Cape May Warbler, Painted Bunting, Chestnut-Sided, Nashville and Black-And-White Warbler are rarities that have been spotted in the past. Northern Waterthrush and Tennessee Warbler have been recently seen. Just a note: all birds in the above list were seen at one point and time. Birds will vary at location and though I mention the birds on this list, we may see many and we may see none. This all varies on the day!

See Andrew’s eBlast for more information and location details. The Putah Creek Preserve Parking Lot where the group will meet is a left-hand turn (heading West) when driving North on Pedrick Rd. just after crossing the Putah Creek Bridge (on the North side of the bridge).



September 22, 2024
8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Putah Creek Preserve
Pedrick Rd. & Willow, Canal
Davis, CA 95616
+ Google Map